NRA Call Center

Important! In order to use the services of NRA’s Call Centre from abroad you have to dial phone number (+359/2) 9859 6801

At a single phone number for the whole country, 0700 18 700, citizens and companies’ representatives can receive current taxation and social security information.

The phone call is at the price of a city call for the whole country. The telephone is operating within the working hours adopted by NRA – from 09:00 till 17:30 on weekdays. Calls from mobile phones to 0700 18 700 are paid according to the standard tariff of the respective mobile operator.

Enquiries can also be sent to the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Agency’s expert shall answer the questions related to declaring and paying taxes and mandatory social security contributions, deadlines for submitting declarations and paying liabilities. In addition, information is given by phone about payment methods, bank accounts and payments documents that are required, as well as about filling tax and social security declarations and forms. NRA clients shall also be able to receive information about their health insurance status by phone or to receive instructions how to use the e-services provided by the National Revenue Agency.

At phone number 0700 18 700  no enquiries can be made for local taxes and fees due (buildings tax, garbage fee and vehicles taxes) because since the beginning of 2006 they are administrated by the municipal administration, not by NRA