Social insurance contributions for the State Social Insurance (SSI)

The state social insurance (SSI) is a form of organized material protection of the employed persons in case of loss of income. The main source of the insurance law which consolidates the social insurance regulations into a single legal act is the Social Insurance Code (SSC) (BG)

==> Basic principles: mandatory character and generality of the social insurance; solidarity of the insured persons; equality of the insured persons; social dialogue in the social insurance system management; funds organization of the social insurance resources.

==> Persons subject to state social insurance are insured in:

  • "General (Non-occupational) Disease and Maternity" fund for common diseases and maternity, which includes insurance for temporary incapacity for work, temporary reduced working capacity and maternity;
  • "Pensions" fund for disability due to general (non-occupational) disease, old age and death;
  • "Labor Accidents and Occupational Diseases” fund for labor accidents and occupational diseases, which includes disability, death, temporary incapacity for work and temporary reduced working capacity due to labor accident or occupational disease;
  • "Unemployment" fund for unemployment.

“Insured person” is an individual pursuing labour activity for which he/she is subject to mandatory insurance under Art. 4 and 4a, para 1 of the Social Insurance Code, for which had been paid or are due social insurance contributions. The insurance of the person, who had started labour activity following Art. 10, continues also during the periods specified in Art. 9, para 2, points 1-3 and 5. Self-insured persons and persons under Art. 4a, para1 are regarded as insured persons for the time, during which the due social insurance contributions had been paid.

See who is considered Insured Persons

==> A contributor shall be each individual, legal entity or non corporate entity as well as other organizations, which have the legal obligation to pay social insurance contributions for other individuals. The state shall participate in the social insurance contributions through transfers to the Pensions Fund in the amount specified and in accordance with the procedure stipulated in Art. 21, point 5 of the Social Insurance Code (transfers from the national budget amounting to 12% on the total of the insurable earnings of all the insured persons for a calendar year).  

==> A self-insured person shall be an individual, who is obliged to pay social insurance contributions at his/her own expense. The state shall participate in the social insurance contributions of the self-insured persons through transfers to the Pensions Fund in the amount specified and in accordance with the procedure stipulated in Art. 21, point 5 of the Social Insurance Code.

==> The social insurance procedure of the self-insured persons and the persons who work without having an employment relationship, as well as the social insurance procedure for the Bulgarian citizens who work abroad and the seafarers is regulated in the Ordinance on Social Insurance of Self-Insured Persons, Bulgarian Citizens Employed Abroad and Seafarers (BG). The social insurance contributions for the self-insured persons shall be completely at their own expense.

==> The social insurance contributions shall be transferred to the relevant account of the competent   Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency through the respective banks, licensed mail operator or their divisions, by means of:

  • using the single identification BULSTAT code, Personal Identification Number (PIN); Personal Number of Foreigner (PNF), or official number issued to the person by the National Revenue Agency 
  • the contributors/self-insured persons shall deposit the social insurance contributions for each month separately through a transfer from their accounts to the  account of the competent Territorial Directorate of the National Revenue Agency.
  •  the contributors/self-insured persons who do not have bank account shall deposit the social insurance contributions in cash in the banks and the post branches and offices.

See Bank accounts (BG)

==> Amounts of social insurance contributions for State Social Insurance (SSI), for the Supplementary Compulsory Pension Insurance (SCPI) – as per types of insured persons and as per distribution between contributor and insured person. See the Table for 2014. (BG)

==> Insurable earnings

The earnings on the basis of which social insurance contributions are due shall include all the remunerations, including those accrued and unpaid or those not accrued as well as any other income from employment relationship.

==> Amounts of the monthly insurable earnings for 2014 – Art. 8 of the State Social Insurance Budget Act (BG) for 2014 stipulates the following amounts of the monthly insurable earnings:

  • minimum monthly amount of the insurable earnings during the calendar year as per basic economic activities and qualification groups of professions, in compliance with Annex No. 1 to Art. 8, Para. 1, point 1 of the SSIBA for 2014 (BG)
  • minimum monthly amounts of the insurable earnings of the self-insured persons in accordance with the taxable income for 2010 as self-insured persons:

- up to BGN 5400  - BGN 420;

- from BGN 5400,01 up to BGN 6500 – BGN 450;

- from BGN 6500,01 up to BGN 7500 - BGN 500;

-  over BGN 7500 - BGN 550;

  • minimum monthly amount of the insurable earnings for registered agricultural producers and tobacco producers – BGN 240;
  • maximum monthly amount of the insurable earnings – BGN 2400;

The insurable earnings on the basis of which social insurance contributions are paid are regulated in the Ordinance on the Elements of the Remuneration and on the Income on which Social Insurance Contributions are paid (BG).  

The contributors, social insurance funds, self-insured individuals and employers shall submit regularly to the National Revenue Agency data on:

  • the insurable earnings, the social insurance contributions for the state social insurance, for the Pension Fund for Teachers, for the health insurance, for the supplementary compulsory pension insurance, the contributions paid to the Guaranteed Receivables of Workers and Employees Fund, the social insurance duration in days and the taxable income under the Personal Income Tax Act (PITA) – separately for each individual who is subject to social insurance.
  • declaration on the amounts for social contributions due for the state social insurance, for the Pension Fund for Teachers, for the health insurance, the supplementary compulsory pension insurance, the contributions for the Guaranteed Receivables of Workers and Employees Fund and tax under the Personal Income Tax Act.

The contents, terms, methods and the procedure for submission and storage of declarations are regulated in Ordinance No. Н-8 of December 29th, 2005 on the Contents, Terms, Methods and Procedures for Submission and Storage of Data by the Employers, Contributors for the Persons insured by them, as well as by the Self-insured Persons. (BG)