Pursuant to Art. 248 of the CITA (Corporate Income Tax Act) the income of the budgetary organizations from transactions as per Art. 1 of the Commerce Act, as well as from renting movable and immovable property, is levied with income tax under the provisions of Chapter 33 of the CITA.
The tax rate is in the amount of 2 per cent for the municipalities and 3 per cent – for the rest of budgetary organizations.
==> Who must pay this tax
The budgetary organizations specified in § 1, Item 1 of the Additional Provisions of the Accountancy Act, which generate income from transactions under Art. 1 of the Commerce Act, as well as from renting movable and immovable property.
==> Legal framework
This tax is regulated by the Corporate Income Tax Act.
==> Deadlines for declaring and payment
By March 31st of the following calendar year – submitting the tax return and paying the tax for the previous year.
==> Declaring the income tax
The annual tax return is submitted at NRA’s territorial directorate corresponding to taxpayer’s registration.
Tax return for downloading:
Annual tax return as per Art. 252 of the CITA for the income tax due by the budgetary organizations (BG)
Based on Art. 252, Para. 2 of the CITA together with the annual tax return the taxpayers must submit an annual statement of operations. According to § 1, Item 56 of the Additional Provisions of the CITA the annual statement of operations must be the statement stipulated by Art. 20, Para. 4 of the Statistics Act.
==> Tax returns are submitted:
==> Paying the income tax:
At state budget accounts of NRA’s territorial directorate which corresponds to taxpayer’s registration.
See the list of accounts of NRA’s territorial directorates. (BG)
The payment can be made from any bank by filling a payment order (credit advice) for payment to the state budget.
! Usually the banks charge a transfer fee. The lowest fee is the in the bank where the account of the respective NRA territorial directorate (office) is opened.
See the list of the banks servicing the accounts of the National Revenue Agency (BG)
The payment by Internet requires having a debit card and registration at the websites of E-pay and NRA.
The postal order must contain the address and name of the respective territorial directorate (office) of the NRA, its postal code, as well as the amount due.
==> Sanctions
According to Art. 261 Para. 1 of the CITA the taxpayers who do not submit a tax return under this act, do not submit it on time, do not declare or declare incorrectly facts or circumstances that result in assessing the tax due in a smaller amount or to unjustified tax reduction, tax cession or exemption from taxation shall be penalized with a penalty payment in the amount from BGN 500 to 3000. In case of repeated (§ 1, Item 44 of the Additional Provisions) violation under Para. 1, the penalty shall be in the amount from BGN 1000 to 6000 (Art. 261, Para. 2 of the CITA).
Taxpayers who do not fulfil their obligations as per Art. 252, Para. 2 (to submit an annual statement of operations) shall be penalized with a penalty payment in the amount from BGN 500 to 2000, and if the violation is repeated - in the amount from BGN 1500 to 5000 (Art. 276 of the CITA).
The statements for offences detected are drafted by the authorities of the National Revenue Agency, and the penal decisions are issues by NRA’s Executive Director or an official appointed by him (Art. 278, Para. 1 of the CITA). Pursuant to Art. 278, Para. 2 of the CITA the offences are established, and the penal decisions are issued, appealed and executed according to the Administrative Offences and Sanctions Act.